Hello Friends! Welcome to our class website! We are from Minden, Louisiana. Our class is a mixture of high school grade levels from Sophomore through Senior year. We learn about a variety of multimedia and web design elements such as clay and digital animation, photography, podcasting, and movies.
We spend most of our time in our virtual classroom, but you will be able to read some of our blog posts on Techie Tiders! Some of us have begun our own blog with themes and content reflects our own individual personality. Don't you worry, we will give a highlight post for those too! We would greatly appreciate you leaving us comments and inputs on our posts. Too see only student posts, go to the tag "students."
Welcome to Techie Tiders! My name is Mrs. D, and this website is not only an extension of our classroom, but also a techie blog;) My computer education classroom includes multimedia, graphic design & animation, and web design courses.
I have always been passionate about not teaching in a “one-size-fits-all” fashion but instead committing to address the individual learning styles of each student. The easiest way I have found to reach multiple learning styles at one time is through the incorporation of technology.
Post on Techie Tiders will focus on unit topics such as photography, educational technology, and guest posts by students. Their lessons, resources, and assessments are located in our online classroom at edu20.org. Don’t forget to stop by our school website, www.mindenhigh.com Roll Tide Roll!
Teacher Contact Information:
Email: pencilbo@websterpsb.org or tidertechie@gmail.com
Twitter: tidertechie
Email: pencilbo@websterpsb.org or tidertechie@gmail.com
Twitter: tidertechie
Class Information:
Class Website and Blog: http://techietiders.blogspot.com
Class Wiki: tiderwiki.wikispaces.com
School Website: http://www.mindenhigh.com
Parish Website: http://www.websterpsb.org
Class Website and Blog: http://techietiders.blogspot.com
Class Wiki: tiderwiki.wikispaces.com
School Website: http://www.mindenhigh.com
Parish Website: http://www.websterpsb.org