As an educator, it is often hard to narrow down favorite websites much less find new one's to test-out. So, this week Techie Tuesday is bringing you ten favorite sites to check-out.
To select sites, I simply sent out a quick tweet to my Twitter PLN,
Personal Learning Network, and as always within a few minutes my top ten list was formed. Humm, was this just a quick way for me to get this week's blog post out?
Well I must admit, the post and subsequent message board are usually completed on Monday night, but no, this was a great way for me to get other people's website ideas. This blog wouldn't be as fun if you just listened to me!
Let's get right to it. Here are ten sites for you to check out including a brief description:
Any picture can be turned into a blabbering picture. Just select a picture, pick a mouth, record sound, and your picture is blabbering
! What could students blabber about for your class? How about that book you had them read or maybe last week's report. They could even give you current events from the news or review for a test.
Trailfire trailfire.comDo you have a list of favorite websites for a particular lesson or unit? With Trailfire you can place a sticky note on each website. These notes can be questions or other dialogue for your students. Each note connects to the next webpage you want them to visit thus making a trail. Need a variation? Maybe your student could make the trail and add notes for key facts.
Lesson Writer
Are you reading across the curriculum? This is your one-stop-shop:) You simply find a text you would like to use, copy and paste into Lesson Writer and it creates vocabulary, grammar, comprehension questions, and graphic organizers for you from the text. Maybe you need help differentiating. Yes you can even differentiate instruction!
VoiceThread voicethread.comVoiceThread allows you to group conversations in one place from anywhere in the world. Load documents, images, videos about a topic and share! Comments can be left via telephone, websites, audio file, video, or voice text.
Posterous posterous.comHave you wanted a class website or maybe even a blog, but thought you weren't tech savy enough? Can you email? Then Posterous is the site for you! With a simple email you add to the site. YES, really! The subject is the title of the latest post, and what you type is the body of information.
You can add pictures straight off the internet with a simple drag drop of you mouse onto your Share on Posterous toolbar.
You can see where I checked out posterous
SlideShare slideshare.netHave you been wanting to use slideshows in your class, but just don't have the time to make them? SlideShare is the place where people all over the world share their slideshows. You simply search for the topic for which you are searching.
Wikispaces www.wikispaces.comA great wiki site with the option of an educator site, so you don't have ads appear. Check out
last week's post for more wiki information.
Diigo www.diigo.comA great social bookmarking site that allows you to not only organize your bookmarks but also to share with others, post stickies, and more.
Here's another previous post for more Diigo information.
Ning www.ning.comHave you ever wanted your own social network?
Nings can be used by students or teachers. When you make a Ning it is focused on a particular topic such as a unit or subject. Members are then allowed to join the Ning. Together everyone adds information through posts and message boards.
Twitter twitter.comNow what top ten would be complete without a mention of Twitter especially since these suggestions came via tweet. A special thanks @kimwoodard @sheasmith @ericcole @teachntech00 and @wavewash
What is your favorite site?