This week's Techie Tuesday focuses on a new online assessment tool provided for Louisiana teachers.
Louisiana, the Pelican state, has created an
EAGLE: Enhanced Assessment Grade Level Expectations. This program provides immediate feedback to teachers of their student's knowledge of designated
Don't worry, we are still the Pelican state!
Basically a teacher logs into the Eagle system, creates a test, and distributes it to his/her students. All test items are aligned to GLE's and teachers can use the Eagles pre-made tests or create one using the item bank.
Creating your own test from scratch takes four easy steps. After you fill out a test overview: select the area of content (ELA or Math), grade level, and test name, you select "assemble test".
- Select your Content Standard, Comprehensive Curriculum, or Passages (ELA only).
- Pick a standard/unit, GLE, and items that correspond.
- Click "add to test".
- Repeat this process to add additional items.
So, you don't have time to create a test from scratch? EAGLE has you covered. Just go to the "Edit Test" tab and click "pre-made." Select the subject area and grade level and this opens a list of pre-made tests including one for each
Comprehensive Curriculum unit.Tests can be pre scheduled giving teachers the option to set class and individual goals, time limits, and calculator options. Scores are immediate for multiple choice, short constructive response, and interactive items.
You can analyze your student's performance using any of the six progress reports.
- Content Standard
- GLE's
- Test and Content Standard
- Test and Question Type
- Test Questions
- Instructional Need by GLE
Are you ready to get started? Each Louisiana
Parish has trained personnel. Contact your
Region TLTC or parish school board office.
If you aren't from Louisiana, do you have a similar program you would like to share?