Saturday, December 11, 2010

Diigo Links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Techie Tuesday: Geaux Google

Techie Tuesday is coming to you a day early, because I'll be spending the rest of the week at the lake. It is my second favorite place to relax; the beach is number one!

Google is so much more than a search engine! There are numerous tools you could use daily, some of which will save you time. A gmail account IS NOT required for a Google account.  You can register with Google using any email address!

If Google is one of your favorite search engines, you have probably been to the site numerous times, but have you looked at more than the search engine?  Though we wont cover ALL things Google, look along the top bar and follow the "more" and then "even more" link.  WOW and this list doesn't even touch all the tools in the lab!

The full Geaux Google online professional development is located at eTechie.  For this blog post we will just look at a few highlights from the PD:  Advanced Search, Books, iGoogle, Scholar, and Voice.

The Advanced Search option can tremendously cut down flipping through pages of Google results.  When I search "digital citizenship," I get over 1.5 million results, but I'm actually looking for a PowerPoint.  By using the advanced feature, I can just view the PowerPoint files, and I quickly get my list narrowed down to less than 1000.  Believe it or not, I can narrow it down further by only looking at .edu domains.  Now I have right at 100 results!

Google Books is basically a huge source to preview books/magazines or even access full books/magazines. When you search for a topic, you will get the results similar to a typical Google Search. On the left nav bar you can limit your findings such as Full View and time period! Do a sample search and see what you find!  Would you believe there are over 10,000 free full view algebra books on Google Books? I could take up a small manuscript with ways to incorporate this into your classroom, so I better stop here;)

iGoogle is our next stop! take a look at the introduction video.

How is your Voice? Do you have friends trying to track you down on different phone numbers between home, work, and your cell? How about annoying phone calls that you answer on accident? Google Voice is now open for everyone for free (other than international calls)!

Scholar is a great option to search for professional articles. One of the best features is the advanced search in which you can really narrow down your results. Most of these articles are free and you can even sign up for an email alert when new items are added on your search topic.

I searched what would be a relatively new topic, "iPads in the Classroom" and still found over 400 results. When searching "IPads in Education," there were over 10,000 results. This is a very powerful tool that most of us would have loved when writing research papers.

If you want to access the full Geaux Google online professional development just follow the Geaux Google PD link!

What are some of your favorite Google Tools?

Got Google Earth?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Techie Tuesday: Get Glogging

Most of you have heard of blogging, but what about glogging?  Glogster is a fun way of easily making a poster with the ability to embed images, music, and videos.  Many teachers assign topic related projects such as posters, essays, and PowerPoints.   Instead, why not give students the option of Glogging? Teachers are even using it as a presentation tool (follow the two links for examples).

In my multimedia class, we have been studying the use of iTouch/iPhone in education.  This week they used web 2.0 tools to present some of their  findings.  Several students opted to present using a glog.  Here are a few examples for their "mini project":

Algebra 2

High School Trig


The above student examples are actually their first attempt at using Glogster. Creating your first glog is pretty easy.  Just make sure to create an account first or it will be hard to find what you created! Jazz up your next class project with Glogster!

What tools do you use to jazz up your projects or presentations?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Techie Tuesday: Get Techie, Get Healthy

It's New Year's resolution time and health clubs as well as weight loss program memberships have skyrocketed!  This year more businesses than ever before are offering healthy lifestyle incentives such as gym memberships earning  you a $100 bonus, luxury vacations, and more.  Does your job offer such incentives?

With two-thirds of Americans overweight or obese, we are truly in a crisis situation which costs US companies an estimated $13 billion per year.  Technology can be used to help improve almost anything from time management to professional development.  How about for developing a healthy lifestyle?

There are numerous FREE websites and apps to start you on the journey of a healthy lifestyle.  Let's take a look of one such website, Sparkpeople.

SparkPeople is loaded with every resource you could need to develop healthy habits.  If you are wanting to lose weight or even just trying to eat healthier there is a step-by-step program to do just that.  They even have another site, SparkRecipes, filled with great alternatives to your typical recipes.  Here is a brief overview of what they have to offer for FREE:

Tracking tools for food and fitness
Goal setting tools

Healthy Life Styles
Fitness (including plans and videos)

Your Health
Health A - Z
Condition Centers
Health News

Message Boards
SparkPages (blogs)

Yes, there is even an app for SparkPeople!  You can input food and exercise (as well as other facts) on the go or just view your results in a variety of reports.

Here are a few more sites you might want to check out; some of which made it to the top 20 most popular health websites:
Prevention, Real Age, Weight Watchers,

iPhone App

Couch to 5K ~  This app takes you step-by-step off the couch and to running 5K, seriously!

A special thanks to @magic101 (Jackie Sharp) and @melching5 (Melanie Ching) for their app and site suggestions for this week's Techie Tuesday!