Friday, February 10, 2012

Got More Code?

When first beginning the journey of coding, most feel they are looking at a foreign language, but just a few days later you begin to recognize pieces here and there that make sense.  My students have begun traveling this road and just a short time later are creating multiple html/html5 pages.  It didn't take long before various students were finding other codes to integrate with the html.

One such code popping up around the room was javascript, so I invited a guest speaker, Phillip Kilgore, to dig a little deeper into the world of code.  Basically we have been dealing with static webpages, but as we have explored previously, your generation is all about Web 2.0.  What does this mean? You naturally want something dynamic.  Don't you like it more when you can interact with a website, not just read? Well today is your lucky day!  Not only will you have an introduction to javascript, but you will also have a chance to ask about particular elements you would like to add to your webpages (see online classroom for these files).

Did you miss the presentation?  Here is the presentation file to learn more (or even just review).

Are you thinking about majoring in a computer science related field?  Make sure and check out LSUS!  This is where Philip is completing his masters and actually works as a researcher.