Friday, December 12, 2008

Blogs and Wikis

We began using a class wiki this semester after testing out a few.  We finally settled on a Mindtouch wiki at The students had a great time changing each others paragraphs, but they are doing good.  We are up to three pages and that doesn't even count our wiki homepage:)

I wish I could keep everyone for next semester!  It is going to be great using a blog and wiki all semester and especially having student blogs.  We have decided that the best way to implement them is to post a journal topic and the student respond on their own blog.  I saw this on another class blog and it seemed to work well.  Sorry but I can't remember the class site.  The students definitely don't like using the discussion board because of the need to scroll past all the previous posts as well as all posts being mixed together.

Hopefully there will be another student blogging competition next semester:)


  1. This was posted before I visited Sue's blog post. We can thread comments!!!!! YEAH! So we might give the discussion board another run:)
    But will definitely incorporate student blogs.

  2. The blogging and wiki is very interesting, i just started doing it this semester and i think that it is a fun and interesting way to get the word around in a educated way.

  3. The blog and the wiki is really new to me. I never used it before but it is interesting !

  4. The blog and the wiki is really new to me. I never used it before but it is interesting !
