Thursday, December 4, 2008


Well, some of you were starting to get pretty stressed on Alice today, but we had a lot of laughs with all your "learning" experiences.  I thought you might like a break during Friday's lesson:)  Of course I have to relate it to our unit, but....

My first attempt at game programming was when my brother and I created pong for our family computer. No, I wasnt a geek...we were copying it out of a book and then changed a few things to change colors and such.  Ok so we didnt have cable.  Anyway, I found a GREAT widget for you:)  

When you start feeling  aUGHHH... play a game of pong.  If it doesnt show up below then it is Smartfiltered:(

Get the Flash Pong widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox!

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